Almighty God in His Infinite Wisdom knows without pro-creation there's nthn but sterility4eternity, He justly shall allow U.S. to make love and populate the BIG universe...
which brings-up the point: Q: aint there sex in Hell, too? I dont wanna get into religious crap A: yes and no. If you're put in a holding cell, with large demons around you, alone, beating-U2-shreds, no. There's not. Bummer; however, if you're put into the Lake of Fire, puhhh-lenty of room for love making (if your sweetheart doesnt mind the sulpher).
You see the utter stupidity of going DOWNTOWN AFTER DEATH??
--> trustNjesus! --> aint2coolNhellfire --> Make Your Choice -SAW
Almighty God in His Infinite Wisdom
OdpowiedzUsuńknows without pro-creation there's
nthn but sterility4eternity, He
justly shall allow U.S. to make love
and populate the BIG universe...
which brings-up the point: Q: aint
there sex in Hell, too? I dont wanna get into religious crap A: yes and
no. If you're put in a holding cell,
with large demons around you, alone,
beating-U2-shreds, no. There's not. Bummer; however, if you're put into
the Lake of Fire, puhhh-lenty of room for love making (if your
sweetheart doesnt mind the sulpher).
You see the utter stupidity of going
--> trustNjesus!
--> aint2coolNhellfire
--> Make Your Choice -SAW